Womb Wisdom

Womb Wisdom is my signature spiral flow.  It is a deeply connecting, 3-month journey for women ready to unravel and re-connect with the wisdom held within the womb space.

Here we embrace the power of the menstrual cycle - using it as a communicative guide, we re-write the stories of shame and guilt that have been woven within for generations and prepare to step into a sovereign version of self.

This transformative space builds a stronger sense of self-love and worth through cyclical embodiment and is held in an incredibly safe, close-knit, and empowering group container.

There have been 6 rounds of Womb Wisdom over the years, and amongst the many things shared upon completion, the one that comes up every time, without fail is, “I do not want this to end!”. Womb Wisdom is life-changing and generational chain-breaking!

Are you ready to come home to yourself?

My love, it is time…

To feel your most embodied and connected self, you need to turn the gaze within, this is where all the wisdom is found. Your body is constantly in communication with you and until you consciously choose to listen, acknowledge, and show up for it, you will keep living out of alignment with the version of self that is grounded in her experience, values, and power!

When you lean into your cyclical nature, use your menstrual cycle to guide you, and honour what surfaces along the way, you will be able to come home to yourself.

This means re-writing the stories that have been passed down generationally, letting go of the self-sabotage, embracing more self-kindness, self-love and most importantly, giving grace.

Because here is the thing, if you keep turning the dial down on your experience, you will continue to move through the same cycles, never truly feeling a bond with the power you were gifted with, never shifting the mindset that is holding you back and not being able to flow with life rather than being pulled along for the ride.

This is something only you can do for you. It is the starting point to feeling grounded in who you are and making decisions that serve!

The best part is, that you don't have to do this alone, I will be there along the way.

Womb Wisdom is your safe space to unravel the wisdom within and step into your sovereign self.

Womb Wisdom at a glance:

  • ✺ Womb Wisdom Wednesdays

    Weekly Zoom sessions on a Wednesday at 8:00 pm AEST, all sessions are recorded and go for 1.5 - 2 hours.

  • ✺ Healing modalities included

    Reiki Healing, EFT tapping, and Hypnotherapy to re-wire beliefs. This spiral process is filled with re-learning, healing, and reclamation work.

  • ✺ Special focus on

    Menstrual cycle awareness, self-exploration, inner child and menarche connection, confidence in charting your unique experience, and healing to re-wire the deep-rooted beliefs within so that you can step into your power.

  • ✺ You can also expect

    A close sisterhood connection over the weeks and a private chat space for in-between. You will receive an accompanying book with soul work and journal space, plus a special gift upon completion.

This isn’t a surface-level 101 course, it is a deeply embodied and layered journey, it is not one-size-fits-all, the journey meets you where you are at. It acknowledges, celebrates, and creates space for practical embodiment.

This is a space that provides tools to last a lifetime. Here, you break generational patterns and cycles, creating an empowered pathway for yourself and for those who may come after you. This gives you the power and knowledge to honor your inner ecosystem in a sustainable way, moving with your ebbs and flows with ease!

Here is the thing…

You know that you are cyclical, that you experience ebbs and flows, but you want to understand how to apply this knowledge to YOUR UNIQUE experience.

The thing is, whenever you try to honor what is surfacing within you, you find yourself trying, but it often leads to a sense of frustration, a little overwhelm, and by the end it all just gets thrown in the too-hard basket.

What you really crave is guidance and support to create ease within your shifting experience. You don’t want to do this on your own. And you know what, you don't want to subscribe to the shame, to the guilt, to the light-dimming energy that has been passed down for generations either. You know it is time to re-write the script, create an empowered pathway ahead, and you feel ready to do the work that is going to break the cycle!

2025 ~ Update ~

2025 ~ Update ~

In 2025, Womb Wisdom will be held only once, with limited capacity so that the souls within the space have the safety they need to explore.

Energy Exchange:

$1888.00 - 3 month (13 week flow)

Monthly payment plans are available for as little as $134.85

Round 7 begins:

Wed March 12, 2025

8:00 pm AEST (Sydney time) via Zoom on Wednesdays (always recorded)


*Signature Daniella Elias Flow

Detailed Breakdown:


Week One: 2hr Workshop & Opening Circle

Theme = Womb connection and understanding ourselves as cyclical beings. Includes a circle flow with womb activations and self-reflection, also a deep dive into the varied cycles (Breath, Circadian, Menstrual, Seasonal, Feminine Archetypes, Lunar) we are surrounded by, and the frameworks they offer us in understanding more about ourselves. This week also includes a group, reiki-infused energetic cleanse.

Week Two: 1.5hr Workshop

Theme = Identifying the ever-changing story and embracing ourselves as sacred vessels. Includes an exploration of how the menstrual cycle and the bleed has been seen throughout history. Also a breakdown of Menstrual Cycle 101 - everything we should have been taught in school. A bonus Sacral Activation Meditation is shared with you in this week’s extra resources.

Week Three: 1.5hr Workshop

Theme = Creating space for the self in your menstrual cycle. Knowing the superpowers, the shadows/ vulnerabilities, and embracing them all. WINTER & SPRING. This week's flow explores the inner seasons that make up the main framework we explore in this container. We understand seasonal strengths (superpowers) and vulnerabilities (shadows). We begin to look into the things that we can take on to honor the energy we are moving through. Bonus affirmation tracks for the seasons are shared with you in this week’s extra resources.

Week Four: 1.5hr Workshop

Theme = Creating space for the self in your menstrual cycle. Knowing the superpowers, the shadows/vulnerabilities, and embracing them all. SUMMER & AUTUMN. This week's flow explores the inner seasons that make up the main framework we explore in this container. We understand seasonal strengths (superpowers) and vulnerabilities (shadows). We begin to look into the things that we can take on to honor the energy we are moving through.

WEEK 5 = Break and Integration


Week Six: 1.5hr Circle flow

Theme = The stories that have stuck, an opportunity to remember, revisit, and acknowledge the menarche self. We break down what menarche is, create space for journalling our personal menarche experiences, and receive the opportunity to share within our safe space. We map out our menstrual story thus far and then journey through meditation to reconnect with our inner child. Bonus meditation tracks for the seasons are shared with you in this week’s extra resources.

Week Seven: 1hr Circle flow

Theme = Reiki Healing and sharing circle, it is time to loosen the energy we are holding within. In this space, we lean into a gentle circle flow to open ourselves and our chakras up to receiving. Together you will journey in meditation as Daniella activates and shifts stagnant energy in your chakras through distant reiki. A sharing space is opened to follow to explore what has been surfacing as of late and through the soulwork.

Week Eight: 1hr Circle flow

Theme = Hypnotherapy to acknowledge, revisit, rewire, and clear. This specialised session allows us to bring awareness to the deep-rooted beliefs, stories and values that have been tucked away in the subconscious. We sit in sacred space with a qualified hypnotherapist to move through what surfaced in our shadow work. Bonus playlists for the seasons and hypnosis tracks are shared with you in this week’s extra resources.

Week Nine: 1.5hr Workshop

Theme = Tapping/ EFT Circle to continue shifting and rewiring the stories we tell ourselves. We work with a qualified Tapping and NLP healer to work with our 12 meridian points. This body-centric therapy allows us to shift brain patterns and re-write stories.

WEEK 10 = Break and Integration


Week Eleven: 1.5hr Workshop

Theme = Rituals and ways to honor your shifting experience. This week gives space for the practical ritualisation of our seasonal shifts and allows us to move back into a space of celebration for the varied versions of us that we meet throughout our month. This week also includes a group, reiki-infused energetic cleanse and card pull, in prep for our final week together.

Week Twelve: 1.5hr Workshop

Theme = A gentle reflection. At this stage in the flow, there have been lots of learnings, lots of healing, and quite a lot of self-connection. We take time to pause here, a gentle and flexible Zoom where we check in with one another, share what is surfacing, catch up on soul-work, on our charting, and hold space for each other.

Week Thirteen: 1.5hr Circle

Theme = Closing circle & reclaiming our power. In this beautiful circle flow, we reflect on our journey, our lessons, and our learnings, we move through a deep meditative journey to re-write a new menarche experience, re-claim our power, and step into our sovereign selves.