Private, Personalised & Sacred

1:1 Cycle Mentorship

with Daniella Elias

For souls who are ready to…

  • Receive personalized support to embrace clarity and ease within their menstrual cycle, creativity, business flow, and feminine power

  • Understand their unique experience and give space for guided reflection, expression, and intentional action steps, so that they can become a more embodied version of self

  • Use their cyclic nature as a guide to explore the way they ebb and flow

  • Align their inner experience with their desired external reality

I specialise in…

  • Menstrual cycle awareness and charting to build a deeper connection to the seasonal and hormonal shifts experienced throughout your cycle

  • Exploring practices that may work for you when holding space for the self

  • Aligning your cycle with your business and showing up with the capacity you have

  • Creating practical, nurturing, and nourishing self-care plans that create a sense of ease

  • Planning your life and business alongside your cycle, embodying both the masculine and feminine energies within

  • Menarche (first bleed), maiden and younger self-connection and exploration

  • Meeting the inner archetypes and building a relationship with them to gain clarity and guidance

  • Tapping into your inner creativity and exploring expression

  • Prioritising rest and pleasure minus the guilt!

  • Sparking a sense of direction, clarity, and self-love

  • Guided Meditation journeys blended with Reiki healing

What is a cycle coach and mentor?

Cycle coaching provides holistic education, resources, and personalised guidance to aid in developing a deep connection, awareness, and understanding of your unique inner experience. It is a space to feel seen, heard, and held. Giving you permission to nourish your inner eco-system, slow the pace, listen to your curiosities, and trust in your intuitive wisdom. 1:1 Coaching with Daniella blends education, practical action, soft feminine exploration, meditation, and energy healing.

Daniella is a Certified Cycle Coach, having completed her studies at the Cycle Coach Training and School by Claire Baker, this is an IICT-recognised certification. She is also an educator with over 10 years of experience and a Certified Usui Reiki Healer (you can expect reiki to be blended in your experience).

I work with women who crave guidance that is both gentle and accountable. We work together so that you can lead with your heart, trust your intuition, and feel at home within yourself. My clients are ready to feel a sense of grace, ease, and clarity. They feel prepared to embrace a more embodied, connected version of self.

This is my top-tier pathway to work together.

  • ✺ 3 month Cycle mentoring

    3 x Monthly Zoom Sessions (1hr each)

    Private access to Daniella for support between sessions through 1:1 chat

    Personalised cycle chart reading and reflections

    Supporting resources

    Energetic Exchange = $900

    *Pesonalised payment plans available

  • ✺ 6 month cycle mentoring

    6 x Monthly Zoom Sessions (1hr each)

    Private access to Daniella for support between sessions through 1:1 chat

    Personalised cycle chart reading and reflections

    Supporting resources

    Energetic Exchange = $1500

    *Pesonalised payment plans available

  • *Fortnightly Zoom Sessions can also be arranged rather than monthly if that better aligns with your goals

Contact to enquire.