Sacred Seasons Starterclass ~ LIVE July 18th

from A$55.50

Ready to connect to your cyclical nature, but don't know where to begin?

This is a 2 week StarterClass for souls who are ready to understand their shifting inner seasons and align their internal experience with their external reality.

It is time to become familiar with your whole experience and feel confident in holding space for yourself in the way you need.

Zoom Weeks 1 +2

We begin our journey by connecting to the inner seasons through visualisation and then dive deep into exploring the potential experiences of the seasons, along with specific ways we can support ourselves as we transition from one to another.

Expect to walk away with an understanding of why our hormones shift and how we can work alongside them rather than against them.

2 x BONUS Weeks

Daily cycle check ins via our private group chat, including daily promoting and cycle charting examples. 

On top of this, you get:

  • Sacral Chakra Connection & Reiki-infused Healing

  • 4x Seasonal Soundtracks

  • An extra 2x weeks of daily cycle check-ins and prompts.

  • Private group Chat. The group chat will be open for 4 weeks in total throughout this time period. This is to keep each other accountable and to invite in community support.

Finer Deets:

  • Classes are held via Zoom at 8:30 pm AEDT on Thursday the 18th and 25th of July.

  • Replay available.

  • Energy exchange of $222 with payment plans available.

Count me in!

Ready to connect to your cyclical nature, but don't know where to begin?

This is a 2 week StarterClass for souls who are ready to understand their shifting inner seasons and align their internal experience with their external reality.

It is time to become familiar with your whole experience and feel confident in holding space for yourself in the way you need.

Zoom Weeks 1 +2

We begin our journey by connecting to the inner seasons through visualisation and then dive deep into exploring the potential experiences of the seasons, along with specific ways we can support ourselves as we transition from one to another.

Expect to walk away with an understanding of why our hormones shift and how we can work alongside them rather than against them.

2 x BONUS Weeks

Daily cycle check ins via our private group chat, including daily promoting and cycle charting examples. 

On top of this, you get:

  • Sacral Chakra Connection & Reiki-infused Healing

  • 4x Seasonal Soundtracks

  • An extra 2x weeks of daily cycle check-ins and prompts.

  • Private group Chat. The group chat will be open for 4 weeks in total throughout this time period. This is to keep each other accountable and to invite in community support.

Finer Deets:

  • Classes are held via Zoom at 8:30 pm AEDT on Thursday the 18th and 25th of July.

  • Replay available.

  • Energy exchange of $222 with payment plans available.

Ready to connect to your cyclical nature, but don't know where to begin?

This is a 2 week StarterClass for souls who are ready to understand their shifting inner seasons and align their internal experience with their external reality.

It is time to become familiar with your whole experience and feel confident in holding space for yourself in the way you need.

Zoom Weeks 1 +2

We begin our journey by connecting to the inner seasons through visualisation and then dive deep into exploring the potential experiences of the seasons, along with specific ways we can support ourselves as we transition from one to another.

Expect to walk away with an understanding of why our hormones shift and how we can work alongside them rather than against them.

2 x BONUS Weeks

Daily cycle check ins via our private group chat, including daily promoting and cycle charting examples. 

On top of this, you get:

  • Sacral Chakra Connection & Reiki-infused Healing

  • 4x Seasonal Soundtracks

  • An extra 2x weeks of daily cycle check-ins and prompts.

  • Private group Chat. The group chat will be open for 4 weeks in total throughout this time period. This is to keep each other accountable and to invite in community support.

Finer Deets:

  • Classes are held via Zoom at 8:30 pm AEDT on Thursday the 18th and 25th of July.

  • Replay available.

  • Energy exchange of $222 with payment plans available.

Is this you?

  • You have noticed your energy levels ebb and flow but you don’t always know why.

  • You know what you need but, don't know how to show up for yourself without guilt.

  • You feel you need to be “productive and positive” all the time, AND, are super self-critical when you don’t meet your own standards.

  • You are curious about the ways you can honour yourself as you shift through the weeks in your menstrual month.

  • You want to have more confidence in understanding your unique experience so that you can become the authority of yourself!

  • You are READY to learn more about the inner seasons and are committed to trying charting as a method of better understanding the self.

If you said yes to any of the above, this 2-week flow is the right one for you!