Hello beautiful soul

I’m so excited that you’ve found yourself here. One of my deepest loves is to intuitively guide and hold space so that you can feel safe enough to pause, breathe, and connect with the wisdom you have within.

We are multi-faceted, cyclical, and forever transforming beings. It is time that we acknowledge our ever-changing needs and actually give ourselves the opportunity and permission to support our sacred selves.

Daniella  x

Ways to work with me

I am low key obsessed with working with chain-breaking women who are READY to take themselves and their cyclic nature serious, so that they can honour their sacred vessels and live a life that is filled with more kindness, ease and love.

My vibe when it comes to my space-holding and mentoring:

  • Heart-led spaces to help you feel seen, heard and held

  • Gentle guidance and personalised access points to reconnect to the self

  • Mindset and inner story shifts to build a loving connection with the womb space

  • A blend of professionally informed and experience led support

Curious to explore more??

Don’t know where to start?

FREE Cyclic Ease Masterclass

How to chart your unique experience so you can honour the ebbs and flows of your body.

Learn how to chart your cycle so that you can:

  • Honour AND utilise the energy you have

  • Prep for your weeks ahead

  • Finally put yourself first and give your body the support it needs

Hey, I’m Daniella!

I’m a certified cycle coach, intuitive guide, and creative, with a massive love for honouring the sacred vessels we have been gifted with.

My passion for understanding the unique characteristics of my own and other people’s menstrual cycles is something that guides my work. Right now I am on a mission to reconnect people with the power they hold within.

Having held Circles, Meditations and Cyclic Containers for 100’s of women, I have no doubt in my mind that over time the stories, cycles and chains we have held and passed down as women will be broken. A fresh slate ahead.

Inner seasons cycle cards

Inner seasons cycle cards

Your menstrual cycle is your personal oracle, your inner GPS, a wisdom well that is filled with unlimited knowing.

Say hello to the Inner Seasons Guidance cards, a four-part set that moves with you through your monthly-ish experience. A reminder to turn the gaze within, to hold the self with understanding and to show up in the way you need.

Love Notes

Rachel Yeung

“The 1:1 soul session was EXACTLY what I needed. I felt so safe, supported, and heard. The personalized meditations were so beautiful and I find myself coming back to those visualizations again when I want to feel at peace and safe in my body. I wrote a ton of notes after the session and used the oracle guidance to reassure me that I am on the right path. Thank you Daniella.”

Ginni Hammat

Womb Wisdom is life changing. I have a sense of calm knowing now… It’s like I’ve unlocked and given a huge hug to parts of myself and my nervous system that were always in a constant anxious, negative, wound up state just from not being understood. The seasons and how to adequately nurture ourselves is such a powerful way of reclaiming our power.”

Kel M.

“Daniella’s meditations - for the win! They are beautifully spoken, calming and helpful. I have added them all to my list of daily meditations.”

Trinette O.

Absolutely love every minute spent with Daniella and all the other souls that join in these circles. I can’t recommend the circles enough. ”