The Inner Seasons of Pregnancy
The biggest takeaway for me was that the seasons of pregnancy and the seasons of the menstrual cycle are both VERY similar:
Both contain their shadows and joys
Both provide the opportunity to understand your experience
Both move through the same pattern of Inner Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn (although there is a bonus season of Winter again in the fourth trimester - more on that later)
When you look at them side by side, the main difference (and the obvious difference) is that the inner seasons are MUCH longer as they extend across the full length of pregnancy.
So how does this actually look?
Let's start right at the beginning. Technically, your pregnancy begins to be counted from the very last day of your last period. This would be your “Day One”.
Of course, conception itself won’t happen for a few weeks after that, but, that is when we begin the count. Although some people find out they are pregnant early on, the common experience is for souls to realize they are pregnant around the 4-week mark after they “miss” their period.
It is from this moment of realization that the seasons of pregnancy can begin to be explored…